    4 days ago

    The Military Alliance between the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army and the Congregation of the Sudan Liberation Forces

    A delegation from the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A) and the Congregation of the Sudan Liberation…
    4 days ago

    Political Declaration between the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army and the Congregation of the Sudan Liberation Forces

    As part of the national endeavors to stop and end the war and find a…
    2 weeks ago

    Joint Statement between the Sudanese Communist Party and the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army

    In the context of the coordination and joint work between the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A)…
    3 weeks ago

    A joint Statement between the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army chaired by Abdul Wahid Al Nour and the Sudanese Congress Party

    A joint meeting between the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP) and the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A)…
    3 weeks ago

    A joint statement between Sudan Liberation Movement/Army and the Ba’ath Party  

    A joint protracted meeting was held in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi from 11th – 13th…
    3 July، 2024

    Initiative from the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army to address the Dire humanitarian Situation in the City of Al Fashir

    In light of the catastrophic humanitarian situation which is undergoing in the city of Al…
    3 July، 2024

    Statement from the Civil Authority of the Sudan Liberation Movement in the Liberated territories Regarding OCHA’S Report

      We read a recap of report which was published on “Sudan Tribune.” news website,…
    27 March، 2024

    The Civil Authority in the liberated territories of Jebel Marra: Severe Famine Declaration

    Mainstream Sudan Liberation Movement/Army led by Abdul Wahid Al Nour The Civil Authority in the…
    16 March، 2024

    An appeal to assist the victims of fire in Kawra area of Jebel Marra

    A conflagration of fire erupted in Kawra area ( Teya’a village) which located to the…
      4 days ago

      The Military Alliance between the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army and the Congregation of the Sudan Liberation Forces

      A delegation from the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A) and the Congregation of the Sudan Liberation Forces (CSLFs) met in the…
      4 days ago

      Political Declaration between the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army and the Congregation of the Sudan Liberation Forces

      As part of the national endeavors to stop and end the war and find a solution to the Sudanese crisis,…
      2 weeks ago

      Joint Statement between the Sudanese Communist Party and the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army

      In the context of the coordination and joint work between the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A) and the Sudanese Communist Party…
      3 weeks ago

      A joint Statement between the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army chaired by Abdul Wahid Al Nour and the Sudanese Congress Party

      A joint meeting between the Sudanese Congress Party (SCP) and the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army (SLM/A) led by Abdul Wahid Al…
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