
The Sudan Liberation Movement/Army chairman Abdul Wahid Mohammed Ahmed Al Nour speech to Radiodabanga, Sudan Tour Today programme on 15th of July 2022.

The mainstream Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army chairman interview with Radiodabanga conducted on 15th of July 2022, that came in respond to the invitation made to SLM/A chairman by the leader of the Rapid Support Forces (RSFs)and the deputy of Sudan’s ruling junta, Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, AkA “ Hemeti” to return to dialogue and negotiation, in order to achieve stability in Sudan. However; the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army Chairman Abdul Wahid Mohammed Ahmed Al Nour said that, his perspective to dialogue significantly differ to that of Hemeti’s, as SLM/A chairman elucidated in a prolonged interview which was conducted by the Radiodabanga interviewer Mr. al Sadiq Mustafa Zakaria in his programme of Sudan Tour Today as follows: –

Q: The interviewer; the political arena in Sudan on these days moves in multiple directions, but what concerns us here in this interview is that; Mr. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, AKA; “Hemeti” the deputy chairman of the sovereign council was in a visit to Darfur and precisely in one of his meetings in Zalingei town invited you to return to dialogue and negotiation in order to reach peace, so what is your stand towards his invitation? And will you accept the issue of the negotiation?
A: The answer, of course is No; we will not accept the issue of the negotiation but, before to accept or reject the negotiation Mr. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo knows full well that, we; in the Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army (SLM/A) in 2002, when we declared the SLM/A, militarily and before 10 years from it, when we were mobilizing people covertly all over Sudan, especially in Darfur. When the movement launched its liberation programme it was a national one, we began struggling with the government of Khartoum for the sake of, Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, and for all those whom the deposed president al Bashir succeeded to mobilize in order to fight against us, on the basis of racial, religious and geographic divisions and ‘Hemeti’ is one of them. Furthermore; Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, “Hemeti” also knows that, ustaz Salah Abu Surra, his next of kin from the Rizeigat tribe to which Hemeti belongs to, is one of the co- founders of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army. Although; in 2007 when al Bashir regime signed Abuja peace agreement, with SLM/A Minni Minnawi faction, then Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo disagreed with the deposed president al Bashir and he came to the Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army liberated territories in the Jebel Marra, in Kidgneer village and he came and sat with us, and he never went to any Fariq (Arabic name given to nomads – dwelling in Sudan) or to his relatives, but he went to SLA in the Jebel Marra, Hemeti ; of course did this because of his deep belief that, the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army had a national project for the entire country, and if Hemeti was not convinced with the project of the movement, he wouldn’t have come to Jebel Marra and that, the movement wants to change the elitist regime of Khartoum and create an equal citizenship state in Sudan, that does not differentiate between the Sudanese people on the basis of race, religion, colour, culture or geography or anything else, because we want to create state of institutions, state of the rule of law, and a civil rule state, which has a civilian-led ruling in Sudan. {an interruption to SLM/A chairman from the interviewer, “allow me here to interrupt you a bit Mr. Abdul Wahid in this matter!”}
Q: Do you mean that, Mr. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, one day became a member of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army?
A: Exactly; he came with his people and joined the movement and became part of it, and everything went fine, but you know the deposed president al Bashir manage to take him back again to his fold and he had been fighting us, perpetrating all the atrocities he is doing now, until later in 2014 he was renamed as the Rapid Support Forces (RSFs), but at the beginning they stated as Janjaweed militias, which committed genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity, until they became wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) , the tools of al Bashir in implementing the above- mentioned crimes, after the name Janjaweed, they became, the Mounting Police “ El Shurta Al Zaaina – Arabic” as the name Janjaweed became very awful, detestable and also locally and internationally rejected, after that they, became the Central Reserve Police ( Abu Teira),then the Border Guards. And you all know and heard about our distinguished dialogues with sheikh Musa Hilal, and after protracted deliberations and debates, sheikh Musa finally refused to fight for al Bashir. What we did, in fact was a nice and sagacious work from all of us including sheikh Musa Hilal . Not only this, but also, we did everything so that Mr. Hemeti and all of us work in one side, in order to change the regime in Khartoum, so that the regime can’t play one group against the other, the problem is not between us and Hemeti , but between the regime and the revolutionaries who wants to change it, a regime that, divide the people alone racial line and arms groups against the other.
Therefore; we all strife and work to be one body, in order to create the state that, we had been fighting for since 2002, militarily and politically since 1992, through our clandestine call.
When the revolution started and overthrew the deposed president al Bashir, Hemeti and al Burhan filled the vacuum of al Bashir by replacing him, but unfortunately; Hemeti and al Burhan instead of being forces of change with us, so that we change the regime, they want us to be their puppets, literally; adopting al Bashir’s technique in using the people, you come I give you position and money, and you must accept to work in an inferior position to me, but Iam your president or leader, without any programme or project. Nonetheless; Hemeti like any Sudanese has the right to rule the country, but not through the force of arms, let him bring his vision to the Sudanese people and convince them, accept restructuring of the Sudanese state, terminate the coup, and let the Sudanese people to choose freely what and who they want. To this end; the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army came with the programme of the Sudanese- Sudanese dialogue, and if things went as planned, the movement would have invited all the Sudanese in their different walk of life and the masses in their different institutions, including Hemeti and al Burhan and we would have invited them, in addition to; all the Sudanese masses establishments, but al Burhan and Hemeti aborted our national programme with their military coup.
Thus; the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army has a national project to change Sudan, but we don’t want to create tribal empires, nevertheless; if we want to make peace through Hemeti’s method, we would have made it with the deposed president al Bashir long time ago, and at that time there was no Hemeti or al Burhan, and if SLM/A wanted peace by that way, we would become the Janjaweed of Zurga ( black tribes – Arabic), according to the understanding of the ousted president al Bashir and there would not be Hemeti at this time.
Q: By de facto of his position Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo; “Hemeti” exist in the leadership of the state and in Darfur and he called on you for a dialogue and he didn’t put any agendas, so you can sit with him and present all your above- mentioned ideas and views, in other words; why you reject the principle of the dialogue in itself?
A: No; we don’t refuse the principle of the dialogue in itself, and the glaring evidence to this is that, the deposed president al Bashir whom we revolted against at first, we never refused to engage with him in a dialogue and we sat with his regime in peace talks, therefore; we want to Abeche (1) and Abeche (2) peace talks in 2003, and N’Diamena (1) and N’Djamena (2) in 2004, and we went as well in 7 consecutive peace talks of Abuja between 2004 until the mid of 2006. But Hemeti’s ideas regarding the peace process, is that of the deposed president al Bashir’s; the same school of thoughts of al Bashir which is, “you people; come and I will give you this and that, and I will share the state’s resources with you, whether its financial resources or positions in the government, and Iam the one to make you achieve your narrow ambitions”.
Yet; the vision of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army is completely opposite to their vision, we believe that, Sudan doesn’t belong to anybody or group and neither the military, financial. And political force, nor any sort of force will give anybody or group the right to dominate over the others. If Hemeti wants a dialogue let him first terminate the coup and disavow from it, as they are now in power by the force of arms, therefore; they have no any legitimacy because they only usurped power by the force of arms.
But, I reiterated several times that, our problem is not Hemeti and if we didn’t rebelled against the government of Khartoum; there wouldn’t be somebody called “ Hemeti” , thus we; in the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army want that, the method with which Hemeti is created to end in the country, or in other way, the way with which the current Sudanese military establishment or anybody creates these militias to dominate over the Sudanese people by the force of arms, to end forever and ever. Therefore; for this to happen, the coup makers must declare their termination of the coup which they made clearly and frankly, their readiness to be part of the state’s civil institutions in a civilian- led government that, all the Sudanese masses are calling for and in which SLM/A is part of, then and only then we can come and sit all of us and work together ( the armed revolutionary movements, RSFs and the military establishment), in order to restructure the military establishment and create a single professional national army that reflects Sudan’s diversity and plurality, with a new doctrine and to be tasked with, protecting the people, the constitution of Sudan and the soil of the homeland, so that the army will not dominate over the people again or interfere in the ruling of the country, in order not to be any Rapid Support Forces (RSFs) or unlawful military institution, except the professional national army. As for Hemeti let him first undress his military uniform, be ordinary civilian and form his own political party according to the constitution of Sudan after restructuring of the Sudanese state, after that; its Hemet’s own right to say that, yes after all I want to be the president. {interruption from the interviewer}.
Interviewer: Mr. chairman, on the way to the restructuring of the state, you mentioned that; or what can be understood, if they want a dialogue first the coup regime must end the coup they created, indorse the idea of being part of the state’s institutions. {interruption from SLM/A chairman Abdul Wahid}.
Chairman Abdul Wahid: restructuring of the State, I mean.
Interviewer: Secondly; the coup makers must ratify and accept that; the ruling in Sudan must be a civil rule, or in other way;
Q: Do you mean that; Mr. Abdul Wahid if the issues you have raised and mentioned, if it was realized or tomorrow happen, there can be a dialogue? In order to pave the way towards the restructuring of the state?
A: There are significant issues than all what is mentioned, because in order to achieve peace there must be a conducive environment for peace, first of which is the security, moreover; Hemeti and al Burhan know full well that, the government created and armed the militias on a racial basis and they are the ones killing the civilians, thus; these militias must all be disarmed, and their disarmament be verified, second; stopping of the daily killings and rapes, third; the IDPs and refugees must return to their Hawakeers ( historically owned tribal communal lands) and lands of origin, fourth; the indicted figures and the perpetrators who committed those crimes must be handed over to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Hague, all those individuals accused of committing crimes against innocent civilians, even if we are accused of committing crimes , we have to hand over ourselves to the ICC for arbitration, no exemption or impunity to anybody. I repeat; all the indicted figures and perpetrators must be handed over to the ICC or to a free, fair, independent and neutral tribunal after restructuring of the Sudanese state, and to collectively and individually compensate the IDPs and refugees. Though; Iam seeing people on these days talking about the issue of compensations in various and controversial ways, however; on this issue of the compensations, I want to say this; the compensations are rights as the Sudanese state used the Sudanese army, created the paratroops militias which belongs to the state’s army , used the state air force, the power of the state and all the state institutions to commit genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity with impunity, until al Bashir the head of the Sudanese state and some figures of his regime became wanted by the ICC , therefore; the compensation from the state to the victims of the crimes is a right, it’s not a giving or donation and there is no ambiguity on this issue and I want everybody to understand that, and as Germany which perpetrated the Holocaust against the Jewish and until today paying the compensations for the crimes, the victims of genocide and war crimes of Darfur deserve as well, collective and individual compensations, both materially and morally. Morally, for instance the stat to erect a genocide museum, so that the Sudanese state officially ratify and admit committing of those crimes by the state, so as not happen again in Sudan or anywhere else, and I reiterate, in order to be a second nature, the perpetrators must stand trial. More to what is mentioned; there also must be affirmative action for those victims, the IDPs and Refugees of Darfur had been in the camps for two decades now, accordingly; the physical, material and psychological damage which happened to then needs to be mitigated and addressed through affirmative action, how can the victims and their children be compensated after their destitute long sufferings if there is no affirmative action as well? {interruption from the interviewer}
Interviewer: Back to our question; Ustaz. Abdul Wahid, we have talked about a package of things which include, the retreat from the coup by al Burhan regime and to accept and recognize the restructuring of the state, the state to be a civil state and creating a conducive environment, and to collect the arms from all the militias, which was given to them by al Bashir’s regime and by the current government ( the coup regime government) in which we are in, stopping of the killings, rapes and all the atrocities which is now taking place, the return of the IDPs and refugees to their Hawakeers and lands of origin, handing over of all the indicted figures to the ICC, with especial emphasize and affirmation on the issue of justice, that anybody who committed a crime has to face justice and the court is free to convict or absolve him from the crime. So, in answering the question in which you said, you don’t want dialogue, but when we deliberated with you Mr. Abdul Wahid all the above- mentioned issues came up.
Q|: If Hemeti from his position said, okey; I don’t have problem with all the issues you mentioned, and for all what you have said, in order to happen we must sit and dialogue, what is your opinion on this?
A: first of all; the details which I mentioned, when we rebelled against the state these details was not there, there was no Hemeti, there was no IDPs and refugees and there was no demands that, the genocide and war crimes victims must be compensated, in a nutshell; all the issues I had mentioned was not there, nevertheless; we revolted to achieve the demands of the revolution and that is strictly what all the Sudanese people are calling for today. We rebelled against the military rule for two decades and paid a dear price as hundreds of thousands of our people were killed and millions were internally displaced, we rebelled demanding a civil rule, and we said that, we need a secular, federal, liberal and democratic state, state of equal citizenship and the rule of law, state of institutions, moreover; we demand restructuring of the state, we said this before two decades and we continued with our struggle, until the glorious December revolution emerged in 2018 requesting all the principles and objectives that we fought for to be adopted and implemented. However; our problem with others come when they attempt and think to thrust us in their unyielding and futile processes, having in their minds only that, if these demands were realized the problem is resolved , the fact is, the problem is not entirely solved , No; why should people be killed in the first place in order to be compensated, and be exterminated , displaced and their lands to be taken ?
On the other hand; if we saw Darfur today, there is Wagner group companies excavating golds and minerals in every corner or mountain in Darfur, using quicksilver and cyanide which causes cancers and poisoning, a single drop from cyanide in an arable land for hundred years will continue to cause cancer, and this is the biggest problem we have now in Darfur. Once again; we are not refusing the dialogue, but the dialogue is not between us and Hemeti, the dialogue therefore, is for all the Sudanese in their different political, racial, cultural and geographical components, they must all come, sit and deliberate, the Resistance Committees, the Kandakas, the Shafatah ( the youth of the revolution) al Jeil al Rakib Rasou ( the generation mounting their heads),kings of the clashes , Angry without Borders, the IDPs and Refugees, the Women groups, the generation which created this revolution, we all must sit together and dialogue.
All in all; terminating the coup is not an offer to be given to the people by someone; or for instance; to issue presidential degree that, I ended the coup, No; you must hand over the power to the people, make statement before the people, that the coup you did is illegal, allow creation of state institutions, so that; the army, the Rapid Support Forces(RSFs) and all the mentioned institutions must be under a civilian- led government, which is the demand of the revolution, then we can say that, the coup makers are honest and genuine to allow civil rule previal, thus people can sit and dialogue; but to be frank on the issue of justice and the sovereignty of the rule of the law, nobody can give guarantees to any one, that can’t bear the consequences of the crimes he/she committed against the people, because its not politics, its rights , if I; Abdul Wahid committed a crime, I have to face justice, and it’s the tribunal to convict or free me, according to the case filed against me, whether its regional or international tribunal. Strange enough; on these days people are handling the issues and the rights of the people as if it’s a dispute between Hemeti and Abdul Wahid this absolutely not right. I, Hemeti or anybody else are just ordinary people, equals nothing, we are all just a tinny drop in the ocean of the great Sudanese people.
Finally; The Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army before Hemeti and before 22 years was struggling to achieve the noble objectives of the Sudanese revolution and we are not struggling for ourselves, and if the struggle is for ourselves, Hemeti, al Burhan and the others, they wouldn’t have found us by this time, we would have become part of the regime long time ago and finished off or became in their positions. End
hammed Hamdan Dagalo, AkA “ Hemeti” to return to dialogue and negotiation, in order to achieve stability in Sudan. However; the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army Chairman Abdul Wahid Mohammed Ahmed Al Nour said that, his perspective to dialogue significantly differ to that of Hemeti’s, as SLM/A chairman elucidated in a prolonged interview which was conducted by the Radiodabanga interviewer Mr. al Sadiq Mustafa Zakaria in his programme of Sudan Tour Today as follows: –

Q: The interviewer; the political arena in Sudan on these days moves in multiple directions, but what concerns us here in this interview is that; Mr. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, AKA; “Hemeti” the deputy chairman of the sovereign council was in a visit to Darfur and precisely in one of his meetings in Zalingei town invited you to return to dialogue and negotiation in order to reach peace, so what is your stand towards his invitation? And will you accept the issue of the negotiation?
A: The answer, of course is No; we will not accept the issue of the negotiation but, before to accept or reject the negotiation Mr. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo knows full well that, we; in the Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army (SLM/A) in 2002, when we declared the SLM/A, militarily and before 10 years from it, when we were mobilizing people covertly all over Sudan, especially in Darfur. When the movement launched its liberation programme it was a national one, we began struggling with the government of Khartoum for the sake of, Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, and for all those whom the deposed president al Bashir succeeded to mobilize in order to fight against us, on the basis of racial, religious and geographic divisions and ‘Hemeti’ is one of them. Furthermore; Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, “Hemeti” also knows that, ustaz Salah Abu Surra, his next of kin from the Rizeigat tribe to which Hemeti belongs to, is one of the co- founders of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army. Although; in 2007 when al Bashir regime signed Abuja peace agreement, with SLM/A Minni Minnawi faction, then Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo disagreed with the deposed president al Bashir and he came to the Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army liberated territories in the Jebel Marra, in Kidgneer village and he came and sat with us, and he never went to any Fariq (Arabic name given to nomads – dwelling in Sudan) or to his relatives, but he went to SLA in the Jebel Marra, Hemeti ; of course did this because of his deep belief that, the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army had a national project for the entire country, and if Hemeti was not convinced with the project of the movement, he wouldn’t have come to Jebel Marra and that, the movement wants to change the elitist regime of Khartoum and create an equal citizenship state in Sudan, that does not differentiate between the Sudanese people on the basis of race, religion, colour, culture or geography or anything else, because we want to create state of institutions, state of the rule of law, and a civil rule state, which has a civilian-led ruling in Sudan. {an interruption to SLM/A chairman from the interviewer, “allow me here to interrupt you a bit Mr. Abdul Wahid in this matter!”}
Q: Do you mean that, Mr. Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo, one day became a member of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army?
A: Exactly; he came with his people and joined the movement and became part of it, and everything went fine, but you know the deposed president al Bashir manage to take him back again to his fold and he had been fighting us, perpetrating all the atrocities he is doing now, until later in 2014 he was renamed as the Rapid Support Forces (RSFs), but at the beginning they stated as Janjaweed militias, which committed genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity, until they became wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC) , the tools of al Bashir in implementing the above- mentioned crimes, after the name Janjaweed, they became, the Mounting Police “ El Shurta Al Zaaina – Arabic” as the name Janjaweed became very awful, detestable and also locally and internationally rejected, after that they, became the Central Reserve Police ( Abu Teira),then the Border Guards. And you all know and heard about our distinguished dialogues with sheikh Musa Hilal, and after protracted deliberations and debates, sheikh Musa finally refused to fight for al Bashir. What we did, in fact was a nice and sagacious work from all of us including sheikh Musa Hilal . Not only this, but also, we did everything so that Mr. Hemeti and all of us work in one side, in order to change the regime in Khartoum, so that the regime can’t play one group against the other, the problem is not between us and Hemeti , but between the regime and the revolutionaries who wants to change it, a regime that, divide the people alone racial line and arms groups against the other.
Therefore; we all strife and work to be one body, in order to create the state that, we had been fighting for since 2002, militarily and politically since 1992, through our clandestine call.
When the revolution started and overthrew the deposed president al Bashir, Hemeti and al Burhan filled the vacuum of al Bashir by replacing him, but unfortunately; Hemeti and al Burhan instead of being forces of change with us, so that we change the regime, they want us to be their puppets, literally; adopting al Bashir’s technique in using the people, you come I give you position and money, and you must accept to work in an inferior position to me, but Iam your president or leader, without any programme or project. Nonetheless; Hemeti like any Sudanese has the right to rule the country, but not through the force of arms, let him bring his vision to the Sudanese people and convince them, accept restructuring of the Sudanese state, terminate the coup, and let the Sudanese people to choose freely what and who they want. To this end; the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army came with the programme of the Sudanese- Sudanese dialogue, and if things went as planned, the movement would have invited all the Sudanese in their different walk of life and the masses in their different institutions, including Hemeti and al Burhan and we would have invited them, in addition to; all the Sudanese masses establishments, but al Burhan and Hemeti aborted our national programme with their military coup.
Thus; the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army has a national project to change Sudan, but we don’t want to create tribal empires, nevertheless; if we want to make peace through Hemeti’s method, we would have made it with the deposed president al Bashir long time ago, and at that time there was no Hemeti or al Burhan, and if SLM/A wanted peace by that way, we would become the Janjaweed of Zurga ( black tribes – Arabic), according to the understanding of the ousted president al Bashir and there would not be Hemeti at this time.
Q: By de facto of his position Mohammed Hamdan Dagalo; “Hemeti” exist in the leadership of the state and in Darfur and he called on you for a dialogue and he didn’t put any agendas, so you can sit with him and present all your above- mentioned ideas and views, in other words; why you reject the principle of the dialogue in itself?
A: No; we don’t refuse the principle of the dialogue in itself, and the glaring evidence to this is that, the deposed president al Bashir whom we revolted against at first, we never refused to engage with him in a dialogue and we sat with his regime in peace talks, therefore; we want to Abeche (1) and Abeche (2) peace talks in 2003, and N’Diamena (1) and N’Djamena (2) in 2004, and we went as well in 7 consecutive peace talks of Abuja between 2004 until the mid of 2006. But Hemeti’s ideas regarding the peace process, is that of the deposed president al Bashir’s; the same school of thoughts of al Bashir which is, “you people; come and I will give you this and that, and I will share the state’s resources with you, whether its financial resources or positions in the government, and Iam the one to make you achieve your narrow ambitions”.
Yet; the vision of the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army is completely opposite to their vision, we believe that, Sudan doesn’t belong to anybody or group and neither the military, financial. And political force, nor any sort of force will give anybody or group the right to dominate over the others. If Hemeti wants a dialogue let him first terminate the coup and disavow from it, as they are now in power by the force of arms, therefore; they have no any legitimacy because they only usurped power by the force of arms.
But, I reiterated several times that, our problem is not Hemeti and if we didn’t rebelled against the government of Khartoum; there wouldn’t be somebody called “ Hemeti” , thus we; in the Sudan Liberation Movement/Army want that, the method with which Hemeti is created to end in the country, or in other way, the way with which the current Sudanese military establishment or anybody creates these militias to dominate over the Sudanese people by the force of arms, to end forever and ever. Therefore; for this to happen, the coup makers must declare their termination of the coup which they made clearly and frankly, their readiness to be part of the state’s civil institutions in a civilian- led government that, all the Sudanese masses are calling for and in which SLM/A is part of, then and only then we can come and sit all of us and work together ( the armed revolutionary movements, RSFs and the military establishment), in order to restructure the military establishment and create a single professional national army that reflects Sudan’s diversity and plurality, with a new doctrine and to be tasked with, protecting the people, the constitution of Sudan and the soil of the homeland, so that the army will not dominate over the people again or interfere in the ruling of the country, in order not to be any Rapid Support Forces (RSFs) or unlawful military institution, except the professional national army. As for Hemeti let him first undress his military uniform, be ordinary civilian and form his own political party according to the constitution of Sudan after restructuring of the Sudanese state, after that; its Hemet’s own right to say that, yes after all I want to be the president. {interruption from the interviewer}.
Interviewer: Mr. chairman, on the way to the restructuring of the state, you mentioned that; or what can be understood, if they want a dialogue first the coup regime must end the coup they created, indorse the idea of being part of the state’s institutions. {interruption from SLM/A chairman Abdul Wahid}.
Chairman Abdul Wahid: restructuring of the State, I mean.
Interviewer: Secondly; the coup makers must ratify and accept that; the ruling in Sudan must be a civil rule, or in other way;
Q: Do you mean that; Mr. Abdul Wahid if the issues you have raised and mentioned, if it was realized or tomorrow happen, there can be a dialogue? In order to pave the way towards the restructuring of the state?
A: There are significant issues than all what is mentioned, because in order to achieve peace there must be a conducive environment for peace, first of which is the security, moreover; Hemeti and al Burhan know full well that, the government created and armed the militias on a racial basis and they are the ones killing the civilians, thus; these militias must all be disarmed, and their disarmament be verified, second; stopping of the daily killings and rapes, third; the IDPs and refugees must return to their Hawakeers ( historically owned tribal communal lands) and lands of origin, fourth; the indicted figures and the perpetrators who committed those crimes must be handed over to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in Hague, all those individuals accused of committing crimes against innocent civilians, even if we are accused of committing crimes , we have to hand over ourselves to the ICC for arbitration, no exemption or impunity to anybody. I repeat; all the indicted figures and perpetrators must be handed over to the ICC or to a free, fair, independent and neutral tribunal after restructuring of the Sudanese state, and to collectively and individually compensate the IDPs and refugees. Though; Iam seeing people on these days talking about the issue of compensations in various and controversial ways, however; on this issue of the compensations, I want to say this; the compensations are rights as the Sudanese state used the Sudanese army, created the paratroops militias which belongs to the state’s army , used the state air force, the power of the state and all the state institutions to commit genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity with impunity, until al Bashir the head of the Sudanese state and some figures of his regime became wanted by the ICC , therefore; the compensation from the state to the victims of the crimes is a right, it’s not a giving or donation and there is no ambiguity on this issue and I want everybody to understand that, and as Germany which perpetrated the Holocaust against the Jewish and until today paying the compensations for the crimes, the victims of genocide and war crimes of Darfur deserve as well, collective and individual compensations, both materially and morally. Morally, for instance the stat to erect a genocide museum, so that the Sudanese state officially ratify and admit committing of those crimes by the state, so as not happen again in Sudan or anywhere else, and I reiterate, in order to be a second nature, the perpetrators must stand trial. More to what is mentioned; there also must be affirmative action for those victims, the IDPs and Refugees of Darfur had been in the camps for two decades now, accordingly; the physical, material and psychological damage which happened to then needs to be mitigated and addressed through affirmative action, how can the victims and their children be compensated after their destitute long sufferings if there is no affirmative action as well? {interruption from the interviewer}
Interviewer: Back to our question; Ustaz. Abdul Wahid, we have talked about a package of things which include, the retreat from the coup by al Burhan regime and to accept and recognize the restructuring of the state, the state to be a civil state and creating a conducive environment, and to collect the arms from all the militias, which was given to them by al Bashir’s regime and by the current government ( the coup regime government) in which we are in, stopping of the killings, rapes and all the atrocities which is now taking place, the return of the IDPs and refugees to their Hawakeers and lands of origin, handing over of all the indicted figures to the ICC, with especial emphasize and affirmation on the issue of justice, that anybody who committed a crime has to face justice and the court is free to convict or absolve him from the crime. So, in answering the question in which you said, you don’t want dialogue, but when we deliberated with you Mr. Abdul Wahid all the above- mentioned issues came up.
Q|: If Hemeti from his position said, okey; I don’t have problem with all the issues you mentioned, and for all what you have said, in order to happen we must sit and dialogue, what is your opinion on this?
A: first of all; the details which I mentioned, when we rebelled against the state these details was not there, there was no Hemeti, there was no IDPs and refugees and there was no demands that, the genocide and war crimes victims must be compensated, in a nutshell; all the issues I had mentioned was not there, nevertheless; we revolted to achieve the demands of the revolution and that is strictly what all the Sudanese people are calling for today. We rebelled against the military rule for two decades and paid a dear price as hundreds of thousands of our people were killed and millions were internally displaced, we rebelled demanding a civil rule, and we said that, we need a secular, federal, liberal and democratic state, state of equal citizenship and the rule of law, state of institutions, moreover; we demand restructuring of the state, we said this before two decades and we continued with our struggle, until the glorious December revolution emerged in 2018 requesting all the principles and objectives that we fought for to be adopted and implemented. However; our problem with others come when they attempt and think to thrust us in their unyielding and futile processes, having in their minds only that, if these demands were realized the problem is resolved , the fact is, the problem is not entirely solved , No; why should people be killed in the first place in order to be compensated, and be exterminated , displaced and their lands to be taken ?
On the other hand; if we saw Darfur today, there is Wagner group companies excavating golds and minerals in every corner or mountain in Darfur, using quicksilver and cyanide which causes cancers and poisoning, a single drop from cyanide in an arable land for hundred years will continue to cause cancer, and this is the biggest problem we have now in Darfur. Once again; we are not refusing the dialogue, but the dialogue is not between us and Hemeti, the dialogue therefore, is for all the Sudanese in their different political, racial, cultural and geographical components, they must all come, sit and deliberate, the Resistance Committees, the Kandakas, the Shafatah ( the youth of the revolution) al Jeil al Rakib Rasou ( the generation mounting their heads),kings of the clashes , Angry without Borders, the IDPs and Refugees, the Women groups, the generation which created this revolution, we all must sit together and dialogue.
All in all; terminating the coup is not an offer to be given to the people by someone; or for instance; to issue presidential degree that, I ended the coup, No; you must hand over the power to the people, make statement before the people, that the coup you did is illegal, allow creation of state institutions, so that; the army, the Rapid Support Forces(RSFs) and all the mentioned institutions must be under a civilian- led government, which is the demand of the revolution, then we can say that, the coup makers are honest and genuine to allow civil rule previal, thus people can sit and dialogue; but to be frank on the issue of justice and the sovereignty of the rule of the law, nobody can give guarantees to any one, that can’t bear the consequences of the crimes he/she committed against the people, because its not politics, its rights , if I; Abdul Wahid committed a crime, I have to face justice, and it’s the tribunal to convict or free me, according to the case filed against me, whether its regional or international tribunal. Strange enough; on these days people are handling the issues and the rights of the people as if it’s a dispute between Hemeti and Abdul Wahid this absolutely not right. I, Hemeti or anybody else are just ordinary people, equals nothing, we are all just a tinny drop in the ocean of the great Sudanese people.
Finally; The Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army before Hemeti and before 22 years was struggling to achieve the noble objectives of the Sudanese revolution and we are not struggling for ourselves, and if the struggle is for ourselves, Hemeti, al Burhan and the others, they wouldn’t have found us by this time, we would have become part of the regime long time ago and finished off or became in their positions. End

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ادم الطاهر البرووووف
ادم الطاهر البرووووف
2 years ago

من اجل وفاء لشهداء الثورة الشعبية نحنا خلف مشروع دولة المواطنه المتساويه والحل الجزي جيش تحرير السودان عملنا

2 years ago

Am objet forward upf

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