Statement from the Sudan Liberation Movement /Army concerning the attack on Al Kereinek locality of west Darfur
●The Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army chaired by Abdul Wahid Mohammed Ahmed Al Nour had been following with great concern the ongoing bloody incidents which are taking place in Al Kereinek locality of west Darfur since last Friday.
●The deplorable attack when it was first launched on 22ed of April 2022 killed tens of innocent civilians and injured tens of others, while thousands of armless victims were displaced.
● However; the aggression was viscously resumed today on 24th of April, in which light and heavy weaponry were used including anti- aircraft artillery, which inflicted hundreds of causalities and caused massive displacement in the area. Moreover; the initial after- the attack assessment confirmed complete wipe out to the police post and destruction and looting of the locality premises in the city , civilians paid dearly in these attacks as the entire city’s neighborhoods were ransacked, as a result; entire inhabitants of Al Kereinek left destitute after their properties were looted and burned.
●The wave of the attack which started in Al Kereinek locality continued to include other west Darfur towns and cities as well such as El Geneina, the capital city of west Darfur, Mornei and Azirni.
●While the Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army condemns in the strongest possible terms the unceasing criminal incidents in Al Kereinek, holds the coup regime of Khartoum and its undercover arms in Darfur region fully responsible for these crimes. The eerie silence about what is happening against the defenseless civilians in Al Kereinek and other areas from the coup forces, besides their direct participation in these attacks using the state military arsenal with impunity , confirms beyond any doubt Khartoum’s intention to accelerate the final solution in Darfur.
●Therefore; the movement appeals to the moral conscience of the world community to do everything in their power to stop the daily blood baths and butcheries against the armless civilians in Darfur and to reconsider the UN Security Council decision of UNAMID mission withdrawal from Darfur. We; further demand that; the UN Security Council actively engage with capable and well -equipped international forces under chapter VII of the United Nations charter to stop the killings and impose security on the ground.
●The Sudan Liberation Movement/ Army further demand that, an independent international investigation committee to be formed forthwith, to identify the perpetrators of these crimes and violations and bring them to the international justice in the Hague. The ongoing merciless final face of genocide, ethnic cleansing, war crimes and crimes against humanity which currently taking place in Darfur is far more brute and heart breaking than the scorched- earth policy campaign which started in 2003/4 and demands prompt accountability and Justice. Action This Day.
Mohammed Abdelrahman Elnair
The Spokesperson of the Sudan Liberation Movement
24th of April 2022